How to Create Great Sales Training Reinforcement Programs
Top answers to sales training reinforcement questions.
Executives know to maximize rep performance, sales training reinforcement is just as important as the event itself. Even top performing athletes understand practice plays a critical role to keep them at the top of their game. This top performer discipline creates muscle memory and confidence to ensure the right things are done when it matters most. Sales is no different.
Here are answers to some of your top sales training reinforcement questions
- Why is it important? Sales reps forget up to 80% of their training after the event! That translates to millions of dollars in wasted time and lost revenue. If training improves performance, imagine performance consistency if reps remembered 80% instead of only 20%. Establishing a cadence of practice and repetition makes key concepts top-of-mind and improves rep confidence.
- Should my sales managers reinforce training with the reps? Yes, they should, but it’s not consistent, scalable or measurable. Sales managers know how to coach opportunities, but most lack the time, skill or will to reinforce training.
- What is the most effective way to reinforce sales training? Our best practices recommend reinforcing on a weekly interval while they are on-the-job. Reps have already been through the training, so reinforcement should make them think how, when and why they should apply these concepts on live sales calls. Content should be situational and contextual to their sales environment.
- How do we implement a sales training reinforcement program without making it so resource intensive? Use an adaptive microlearning platform (AMP) to deliver interval training. AMPs deliver content on scheduled intervals to establish the proper cadence. Content includes brief videos, situational challenge questions and feedback. AMPs also measures baseline readiness of each rep so it can adapt to close knowledge gaps.
- What other best practices can you share? Sales reps have low attention spans. They will easily ignore this type of learning if they don’t find it both brief and brilliant. Make sure all content improves rep performance by always answering the three WHAT’s:
- WHAT? What is it you want me to say, do or know?
- SO WHAT? Why is this important? Why do I need to know this? What’s in it for me? What’s in it for the customer?
- NOW WHAT? OK, I understand what it is and why it’s important. Give me a call to action on when, why and how I should apply this on a sales call.
q.MINDshare, from count5, gives you a scalable, measureable reinforcement strategy. That means more sales reps will remember more sales training faster than before, delivering better outcomes to the business.
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